Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Well-baby visits

I took my baby girl to her 4 month well-baby visit. Yup, she's 4 months already! Everything was fine and she's progressing well. These well-baby visits is the schedule your little one will have to get her doctor check-ups. So far I took her at a week old, 2 months, and now 4 months. Her next visit is at 6 months, and then after that, most doctors will see the baby at one year old. She weighed in at 15 pounds and is 25" tall. Apparently that's normal because by 4 months, on average, the babies are a little less than double their birth weight. My daughter is healthy, big and sturdy and has a nice, healthy glow to her chubby cheeks. So don't let anyone tell you that breast milk isn't enough! Breast milk is ALL my bambina has been eating since she was born, and I've never had a problem with her gaining weight. And I've never had to supplement with formula. It can be done, and your baby will grow and be healthy with breast milk alone. Just like our bodies were made to have babies, our breasts were made with milk ducts because they were made to feed your baby, and that's all they need...well, at least for the first 6 months. After that, we get the magic word: solids (along with the breast milk). Hurray! But we'll get into that later. I will wait patiently for that time and continue to enjoy breastfeeding my baby girl and knowing that I'm doing the best for her body and her health. Like Medela says, "Breastfeeding. Best feeding."

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