Monday, November 15, 2010

Oh the highs and lows of breastfeeding

I always remember this funny scene when Homer Simpson exclaims "the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles!" I wish I could remember what episode that's from. But today I was thinking of how breastfeeding is sort of like that. Even to this day, 4 1/2 months deep into breastfeeding, I have extreme highs and lows with this. (I mean, I already do have issues with crazy mood swings, but that's been the case since back in college days.) But with breastfeeding, there are some days when I feel like I have mastered this. I got this. Conquered. Done. I'm on top of the world. But then, come morning, and it's a new day, and I am to tears with this sh**t! Wondering how the heck I'm gonna make it through another day of exhausting pumping or feedings at night. Creamy middles? Yeah, I guess there's some of those somedays. Maybe most days. But I sure enjoy those dizzying highs. I had one of those yesterday, when I felt really good about my breastfeeding. Milk was coming in nice and flowey, I had enough milk in the fridge for baby, and my breasts felt full. Today, well I think I'm actually in a creamy middle. And to be honest, it's not a bad place to be. Creamy middles go easy on the emotions...I like that. And now my breastfeeding mamas out there, this is where I leave you. I hear bambina's breastfeeding to the rescue!

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