The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Okay, here we go. Let’s see how many I can think of to create a comprehensive list, since I could go on and on and on. Share yours with me too if I missed any! :-)

• Breast milk is a natural, human gift, which is why women were born with milk ducts in their breasts.

• Your breast milk is specially, custom-made for your baby.

• Breastmilk is the healthiest food you can feed your baby, and is all they need for the first six months.

• Breastfeeding creates an instant and beautiful bond with your new baby.

• Breast milk is easily digestible, so your baby is less-likely to have diarrhea or other gastrointestinal upsets.

• Most breastfed babies don’t really get diaper rash.

• Breast milk is always sterile and a nice, warm temperature for your baby.

• Breast milk tastes good.

• Breast milk can prevent ear infections.

• Breastfeeding may prevent health problems in your child which include stomach viruses, asthma, juvenile diabetes, childhood obesity and even childhood leukemia.

• Breast milk is FREE! Formula is expensive.

• Breast milk doesn’t get recalled.

• Breastfeeding helps your uterus go back to it’s pre-pregnancy size and position a lot quicker.

• Breastfeeding helps you loose the baby weight much faster!

• Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

• Babies who are breastfed grow up with higher IQ’s as adults.

• Breastmilk has twice the levels of protective antioxidants than commercial formula.

• Breastmilk contains antibodies that help babies fight infections.

• If your baby gets a cold or fever, you don't really need to give him/her any medicine, just breastfeed him/her around the clock and their body will fight off the cold much quicker and healthier. 

• Breastfeeding means less visits to the pediatrician with sick baby.

• Breastfeeding reduces the risk of SIDS by 50%.

• Breastfeeding is much easier when you travel or are on the go. No bottles needed (unless you want to bottle your breastmilk which is also fine, and airport security is very friendly and accommodating to moms with babies).

• Even women who choose to adopt can train their bodies to be able to breastfeed their adopted baby.

• Breastfeeding makes your boobs go up a size or two…if you’re into that.

• Breastfeeding may delay the return of your menstrual cycle (but don’t rely on that, you CAN still get pregnant!)

• Breastfeeding promotes less postpartum bleeding.

• Breastmilk enhances your baby’s immune system.

• Breastmilk protects your baby against food allergies and intolerances.

• Breastfeeding helps in the correct development of jaw, teeth, and speech patterns for your baby.

• Breastfeeding increases cognitive function.

• Breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months, benefits academic performance in kids 10 years later.

• Breastmilk is rich in long-chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids, that are critical to brain development.

• Breastfeeding makes you feel empowered. If you can handle breastfeeding, you can conquer anything you set your mind to!

• Bragging rights.

To be continued…