Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The verdict on squash: fuchila!

What's going on in solids land this week? Well, not very eventful. I introduced peas and green beans which bambina ate. She seemed to like the green beans more. But then along came the butternut squash and she was not having it. I think I got through one, maybe two feedings in those four days. I thought she would like it more since it's a bit sweeter but nope. She gave me a fuchi face ha ha. I then introduced carrots on Wed and she just does not want to eat at all now. Not sure what's going on. A nurse told me it may be her teething that's making her uncomfortable and not wanting to eat. I don't know. The carrots I made were pretty good too. Fresh, organic, a good sweet flavor to them, mixed in with a little breast milk and puréed at a good consistency. She is just not interested in eating the solids right now. If this continues, I may try this mesh feeder I read about, that babies can use to feed themselves. I worry though that she won't learn how to eat with a spoon. Ah what to do what to do.

I did notice though, that the few times she has eaten the solids, has already helped with my milk supply. I am able to store more bottles for her in the fridge now, and yesterday I was able to freeze 5 ounces, hurray! Hopefully she will get better and better at wanting to eat her three meals of solids a day. So far I've managed one, maybe two meals per day. Patience, patience, patience.

Another thing I noticed now that she's feeling more discomfort from the teething, is that she's not so quick to take the bottled breastmilk anymore. She wants to be breastfed. I'm thinking that nursing is also soothing for her gums which is fine for me, since I really don't want to have to give her any drugs like Orajel or Tylenol or anything like that. So far I've been using the cold or frozen teething ring, distractions like toys or playtime, a lion crinkle teething toy I have, and nursing her to comfort her. Hopefully that will suffice in the future as well, we'll see. When I nurse her she bites down now though, and she doesn't even have teeth yet and it hurts! I really can't imagine how it's gonna be to try and nurse her when she has teeth in...that sound scary and painful. But, like everything else as a breastfeed new mama these days, nothing I can't handle :-)  And now, I leave you with this link to this cool Hug & Hide Owl Activity Toy I just came across that is on my wish list for bambina.

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