Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The L.A. Times is listening...

(Ricardo DeAratanha / Los Angeles Times)

...and publishing more and more articles on the benefits of breastfeeding. Me and my bambina likes! Saw this article today on this new Affordable Care Act of 2010, which is a new law where "employers must provide nursing breaks and a private, sanitary place where mothers of children younger than 1 who work as nonexempt employees can express breast milk." I never knew that breastfeeding was a social status issue. I would think all women would want to breastfeed, especially low-income women, since you save so much money on food for your baby. But for some reason, formula I guess is pushed to low-income families more than wealthy women. And wealthy women of higher social status, are the ones that are mostly breastfeeding in America? WTF is that about? In third world countries, all women breastfeed there out of necessity. Maybe America sees that as a bad thing. Like, oh, poor them, they can't afford formula so they breastfeed. U.S. women, according to this article, rank well below even other developed nations. But breastfeeding is the BEST thing you can do for your baby! How weird is that?? I will never understand some of the mentality in this country. This article is talking about this new law providing "breastfeeding opportunities" in the work place. That should've already been the norm from the get-go. It's like telling me I now have the "opportunity" to pee and shit in private in the work place. As in a bathroom, for that normal, natural, human thing. Gee wiz. But, I digress. Here is the link to the article in today's L.A. Times. Very refreshing and I hope, the beginning of a new movement of more powerful breastfeeding awareness :-)

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